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(Catalogue reference: E 372/70)



  1. Guerwikesir
  2. Eustachi[us] de Luddham ut custos p[ro] se et Rob[erto] de Cokefeld’ reddit [com]potu[m] de cccc et xl li[bris] et vij s[olidis] et iij d[enariis] bl[ancis] de firm[a] Comitat[us] In th[esauro] nichil.
  3. Et i[n] elem[osina] [con]st[ituta] milit[ibus] de Templ[o] j m[arc’] Et i[n] decim[is] const[itutis] Cano[n]icis de S[an]c[t]o Oswaldo xviij li[br’] et v s[olid’] Et in t[er]ris dat[is] Monialib[us] de Molseby xxx s[olid’] in Soca de Esingewald. Et Cano[n]icis de Martone xl s[olid’] […]
  4. Hoby. Et i[n] q[ui]etanc[ia] t[er]re de Brigha[m] q[ua]m Henr[icus] R[e]x p[ri]m[us] dedit Walt[er]o fil[io] Osb[erti] fil[ij] Alg[ri]ni de Frisemareis xxiiij s[olid’] de quib[us] ho[m]i[n]es de Driffeld’ resp[ondent] inf[ra]. Et Arch[ie]p[iscop]o Rothom’ xl li[br’] bl[anc’] i[n] Killum. Et in
  5. Walesg[ra]ve x li[br’] bl[anc’] de q[ui]b[us] ho[m]i[n]es de Scardeburg’ resp[ondent] inf[ra]. Et i[n] Driffeld Lxv li[br’] et ij s[olid’] et iij d[enar’] et ob[ol’] bl[anc’] de quib[us] ho[m]i[n]es ville resp[ondent] inf[ra]. Et i[n] Scalleby c et xvj s[olid’] bl[anc’] de quib[us] ho[m]i[n]es ville resp[ondent] inf[ra]. Et
  6. i[n] Pik[er]ing’ xxiiij li[br’] et xv s[olid’] bl[anc’] de q[ui]b[us] vic[ecomes] resp[ondet] inf[ra]. Et i[n] wap[entagio] de Pik[er]ing’ c et xij s[olid’] et viij d[enar’] de q[ui]b[us] iiij li[bre] s[un]t bl[ance] de q[ui]b[us] vic[ecomes] resp[ondet] inf[ra]. Et i[n] Poclinton’ xxviij li[bre] bl[anc’] de q[ui]b[us] vic[ecomes] resp[ondet] inf[ra]. Et Pet[ro] de
  7. Brus x m[arc’] bl[anc’] i[n] wap[entagio] de Langeb[er]g’ de quib[us] resp[ondet] inf[ra]. Et i[n] civitate Eborac’ c li[br’] bl[anc’] de q[ui]b[us] cives resp[ondent] inf[ra]. Et Rade cu[m] h[er]ede Alan[i] Wastehoese x li[br’] i[n] Sneid’. Et i[n] Soca de Walesg[ra]ve xxj li[br’] et xvij s[olid’]
  8. et j d[enar’] de q[ui]b[us] vic[ecomes] resp[ondet] inf[ra]. Et Joh[an]ni Constab[ulario] Cestr’ xx li[br’] in Sneid’. Et in Burgo et in Cnarreburc xxij li[br’] bl[anc’] de quib[us] Arch[ie]p[is]c[opus] Ebor[ac’] resp[ondet] inf[ra] in [com]p[oto] suo
  9. Et Rob[er]to de Cokefeld’ xl li[br’] ad rep[ar]at[i]one[m] castror[um] de Scardeburg’ et de Pikering’ p[er] br[eve] R[egis] de quib[us] resp[ondet] inf[ra]. Et Galfr[ido] de Nevill’ ad custod[iam] p[re]d[i]c[t]or[um] castror[um] de anno ixo R[egis] cc li[br’] p[er] br[eve] R[egis]. Et Ric[ardo] de Alencun q[ua]t[uor] xx
  10. et x li[br’] ad op[us] ip[s]ius Galfr[idi] ad p[re]d[i]c[t]am custod[iam] a festo S[ancti] Mich[aelis] anno ixo usq[ue] ad D[omi]nica[m] p[ro]xima[m] p[ost] annunciat[i]one[m] b[eat]e Marie anno xmo q[ue] t[un]c fuit tres septim[ane] an[te] Pasch[am] p[er] br[eve] R[egis] q[uo]d attulit de allocandis
  11. c li[br’] de dim[idio] anno. Et p[ro] j palefr[ido] que[m] Eust[achius] de Ludha[m] emit ad op[us] R[egis] et que[m] R[ex] recepit ap[ud] Westm[onasterium] iiijor li[br’] et x s[olid’] p[er] br[eve] R[egis]. Et i[n] exp[e]nsis duor[um] gaiolarior[um] ad custodia[m] gaiole de Ebor[aco] a festo S[an]c[t]i
  12. Edmund[i] R[egis] ixo p[er] annu[m] Integru[m] lx s[olid’] p[er] id[em] br[eve]. Et i[n] custo q[uo]d ide[m] Eust[achius] posuit ad custodiend[um] vivariu[m] R[egis] i[n] Ebor[aco] p[er] eund[em] annu[m] Integru[m] j m[arc’] p[er] ide[m] br[eve]. Et i[n] custo que[m] ide[m] Eust[achius] posuit i[n] c[us]tod[ia]
  13. p[re]d[i]c[t]e Gaiole de Ebor[aco] p[er] dimid[ium] annu[m] R[egis] xm[arc’] xv s[olid’] p[er] ide[m] br[eve]. Et i[n] [con]ductu M librar[um] q[ua]s R[ex] Scot[ie] dedit Ric[ardo] fr[atr]i R[egis] ab Ebor[aco] usq[ue] Noting[ham] iiij li[br’] et iij s[olid’] et viij d[enar’] p[er] br[eve] R[egis]. Et in custo que[m] id[em]
  14. Eust[achius] posuit i[n] Will[elm]o Vinitore et sociis suis assignatis ad insidiand[um] et capiend[um] Rob[ertum] de Werreby malef[a]c[t]orem xxviij s[olidos] p[er] br[eve] R[egis]. Et h[abe]t Eustachi[us] de sup[er]pl[usagio] cc et Lxvj [libras] ix s[olidos] et x d[enarios] et ob[olum] bl[anc’] de quib[us] ix li[bre]
  15. vij s[olidi] et vij d[enarii] bl[anc’] locant[ur] ei inf[ra] in firm[a] de P[i]k[er]ing’. Et restant ei locande cc et lvij li[bre] et ij s[olidi] et iij d[enarii] et ob[olus] bl[anc’] q[ui] s[un]t ei ext[e]nsi ad cc et Lxx li[bras] et xij s[olidos] et ij d[enarios] et ob[olum] nu[mer]o de quib[us] xxj li[br’] et
  16. v s[olidi] et x d[enarii] locant[ur] ei inf[ra] in pl[ur]ib[us] firmis. Et restant ei locande cc et xlix li[bre] et vj s[olidi] et iiij d[enarii] et ob[olus] q[uo]d totu[m] locat[ur] ei inf[ra] in p[ro]ficuo
  17. Id[em] vic[ecomes] r[eddit] [com]p[otum] de ccc et q[ua]t[uor] xx et vij li[bris] et viij s[olidis] et iiij d[enariis] de p[ro]ficuo Comit[atus] de anno p[re]t[er]ito et h[oc] dim[idio] anno. In th[esauro] nich[il]. Et i[n] exp[e]nsis p[re]d[i]c[t]i Eust[achii] p[ro] custod’ Comit’ p[er] p[re]d[i]c[tu]m temp[us] q[ua]t[uor] xx et vij li[br’]
  18. et viij s[olid’] et iiij d[enar’]. Et i[n] sup[er]pl[usagio] q[uo]d h[abe]t sup[ra] cc et xlix li[br’] et vj s[olid’] et iiij d[enar’] et ob[ol’]. Et deb[et] L li[bras] et xiij s[olidos] et vij d[enarios] et ob[olum]
  19. Rob[ert’] de Cokefeld vic[ecom’] [blank] q[ua]tuor] xx li[br’] de p[ro]ficuo Comitat[us] de t[em]p[or]e suo de hoc anno scil[icet] alio dimidio anno
  20. Cives Eborac’ r[eddunt] [com]p[otum] de c et Lx li[bris] nu[mer]o de firm[a] Civitatis sue. In th[esauro] c et vj li[br’] et vij s[olid’] et xj d[enar’] nu[mer]o. Et i[n] defalt[a] monetarior[um] viij m[arc’]. Et i[n] elem[osina] [con]st[ituta] Milit[ibus] de Templ[o] j m[arc’]. Et i[n] lib[er]at’ [con]st’
  21. David’ fil’ Thom[e] Lardinar’ vij li[br’] et xij s[olid’] et j d[enar’]. Et ip[s]is Civib[us] i[n] relaxac[i]one firm[e] sue xl li[br’] q[ua]mdiu R[ex] placu[er]it. [blank] Et Quieti sunt





Eustace de Luddham, as keeper, for himself and Robert de Cokefeld, renders an account of £440 7s 3d, blanched, from the farm of the county. In the treasury nothing.

And in fixed alms to the knights of the Temple one mark. And in fixed tithes to the canons of St Oswald £18 5s. And in lands given to the monks of Molseby 30s in the soke of Esingewald. And to the canons of Martone 40s [in] Hoby. And in quittance of the land of Brigham, which King Henry I gave to Walter, son of Osbert, son of Algrin de Frisemareis, 24s, for which the men of Driffeld answer below. And to the archbishop of Rouen £40, blanched, in Killum. And in Walesgrave £10, blanched, for which the men of Scardeburg answer below. And in Driffeld £65 2s 3½d, blanched, for which the men of the town answer below. And in Scalleby 116s, blanched, for which the men of the town answer below. And in Pikering £24 15s, blanched, of which the sheriff answers below. And in the wapentake of Pikering 112s 8d, from which £4 are blanched, for which the sheriff answers below. And in Poclinton £28, blanched, for which the sheriff answers below. And to Peter de Brus 10 marks, blanched, in the wapentake of Langeberg, for which he answers below. And in the city of York £100, blanched, for which the citizens answer below. And to Rada with the heir of Alan Wastehoese £10 in Sneid. And in the soke of Walesgrave £21 17s 1d, for which the sheriff answers below. And to John, constable of Chester, £20 in Sneid. And in the Borough and in Cnarreburc £22, blanched, for which the archbishop of York answers below in his account.

And to Robert de Cokefeld £40 towards the repair of the castles of Scardeburg and Pikering by writ of the king, for which he answers below. And to Geoffrey de Nevill towards the keeping of the aforesaid castles from the ninth year of the king £200 by writ of the king. And to Richard de Alencun £90 to the use of the said Geoffrey for the aforesaid keeping from the festival of St Michael in the ninth year until the Sunday next after the Annunciation of the blessed Mary in the tenth year, which was then three weeks before Easter, by writ of the king [of allocate], which he brought to assign £100 from half a year. And for one palfrey, which Eustace de Ludham bought to the king’s use and which the king received at Westminster, £4 10s by writ of the king. And in the expenses of two gaolers for the keeping of the gaol of York from the festival of St Edmund the king in the ninth year throughout an entire year 60s by the same writ. And in the cost which the same Eustace has laid out towards keeping the king’s fishpond in York throughout the same entire year one mark by the same writ. And in the cost, which the same Eustace has laid out in the keeping of the aforesaid gaol of York throughout half a year of the king, 10 marks 15s by the same writ. And in the conducting of £1,000 which the king of Scotland gave to Richard, the king’s brother, from York to Nottingham £4 3s 8d by writ of the king. And in the cost which the same Eustace laid out in William the Vintner and his associates, assigned to ambush and capture Robert de Werreby, a wrong-doer, 28s by writ of the king. And Eustace has as a surplus [£]266 9s 10½d, blanched, from which £9 7s 7d, blanched, are allocated to him below in the farm of Pikering. And there remain to be allocated to him £257 2s 3½d, blanched, which are extended at £270 12s 2½d by tale, from which £21 5s 10d are allocated to him below in several farms. And there remain to be allocated to him £249 6s 4½d, the whole of which is allocated to him below in profit.

The same sheriff renders an account of £387 8s 4d from the profit of the county from the past year and this half year. In the treasury nothing. And in the expenses of the aforesaid Eustace for the keeping of the county throughout the aforesaid time £87 8s 4d. And in the surplus, which he has above, £249 6s 4½d. And he owes £50 13s 7½d.

Robert de Cokefeld, sheriff, [blank] £80 from the profit of the county from his time from this year, namely another half year.

The citizens of York render an account of £160 by tale from the farm of their city. In the treasury £106 7s 11d by tale. And in default of moneyers 8 marks. And in fixed alms for the knights of the Temple one mark. And in the fixed delivery concerning David, son of Thomas the larderer £7 12s 1d. And for the citizens, themselves, in the remittance of their farm £40, at the king’s pleasure. [blank]. And they are quit.