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Page: f58r

The page contains three long text blocks with 14.5, 9.7, 15.7
lines, with clear gaps between them. There are hints of paragraph
breaks inside each block, but they are not evident. The three
paragraphs are left- and right-justified, except that the first
three lines are indented as if making space for an ornate capital.

There are three stars in the left margin, with 6, 7, and 7 points,
respectively. Each star is positioned just above the corresponding
paragraph. The last two starts have a small circular core.

One 6-pointed star above first line

1: {indent}kor cholfy shopchy otoralchy chofchol sholy otaly dal m

2: {indent}dshodal or ckhy olchear char tal ytal ytar olchokal

3: {indent}ykechod dalal!dam ytam choty otchy otaly shoty s

4: dshor cholar aiin shalom shaly dalchy oteom dal sholalam

5: qor dchairam otar otar char ar al char arary ytalar cham

6: torchey otaiin chary oteory otal dalchor ykeey choltam

7: saiin chol!keey dal shom shol!teol ytalody otey cheoly o tchy

8: toleeshal oleeam dalor chy oteodchy yteochy otey kal dy alam

9: sholaiin chey yteo!daiin qoar aiin arary sheey daiin ealam

10: tal ar am shar chepchey otar aldy otal cheam qokaiin ote ry

11: qocphody qokalam chairal qoct!aiin otalal dalor orar

12: shoar ar choldal otalchal dal choldy okalys airaldy shar

13: ytar sheear cheoldy ykeol cheal cheody chal chaiin ol oly

14: sharam okair chckaiin ytchaly dal chal ykal okalal oly chal

15: dy r chal qopaiim cholaly dy shedy

16: {7pt star}typchey ar air ytashy qotyshey pchdy dshaly pydaly choky opy

17: ysholshy qotoly daiin ykal dalchdy qoky dal ytchody s olaraly

18: darar shol cholraly cholaiin odaiin chaly dalar aiin okal otal

19: todal qotey chaly dal qokaldy otary okalal csees chal ochaly

20: ysheockhy oleeey oleesey olaiin olkeal daldy otalar ar arodaim

21: tcheos ycheor sheain okey qotaily daiin chy cholkar olkeol oty

22: dcholy ytar chol dal qoaiir chalolky osal chotam chal olseeg

23: shol aleedy chotar okeal sheody qokal!char otal choky sar

24: ta!zain oteeor okeal ar otalor cheoekar cheky otakar

25: oar cheekey oteeoaly otar alkar or aldar

26: {8pt star}kshar shoky opcheear ofadai!n opsheolaiin opydaiin podaiir

27: yteor oty chal!tar ar sheeetchy tal al chear chear char ar am

28: ysheal!kai!r odalaly dalal chy s air shokar olaldy okalody

29: odalar cheor sar alol daly cheom chor ar aldam chal cheal somy

30: ytor ar alom qokalor chdy dair chody cheol okolchy otaldy

31: odshchol taiin okalor chol olekar otarchol chol kam qokal

32: oqotaly qokaiin chtaldy qoky dar al choltaly qokaldy

32a: schocthhy dalols qokalos cheor oekeody qokaly qokar dy

33: ys sheol chokey dalol shokalol qokaly kaldy ytaipom

34: dtor sheol qokor sharal ckhol sholar aiin sheoctham

35: skaiin shokal chockhy qoky chcthy ykeeshy shoekar

36: opolkeor olchocfhy cphol chypaldy cholols chkaiin olfcham

37: sysheos okaly cheos otey ykar ls aiin okaiin ytol!kal

38: dtshol dytal okar olol sheol qockhy qokaly salol dalam

39: yroleeey arairaly pchody tshaly alols ykaly kar aram

40: dchol chokal saiin dal okals!alchey