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outer ring

1: shy cht!air!y

2: yt!oetear

3: ytey cholam

4: dair ar yteey chdy

5: okair os air

6: chy to s aly

7: chetar ar aly

8: dalr al ody

9: dal daiin otolam

10: ytcheody!tor

11: oteos cho!p ota!ky

12: ar odain chtaly

13: oto dar archol

14: okeeo chey dy

15: dcho!char ar

16: ytal air al

Radial lines between "flower stalks"
Last edited on 1998-12-27 23:51:19 by stolfi

"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image
"V" transcription by John Grove

Transcribed clockwise from decorated wedge at 02:00.

Here is the approximate correspondence between radial lines ("R")
and sectors in the outer text ring ("C").:owever many radial lines
are aligned with sector boundary.

R1 C2
R2 C3
R3 C3
R4 C4
R5 C5
R6 C6
R7 C6
R8 C7
R9 C8
R10 C9
R11 C9
R12 C10
R13 C10
R14 C11
R15 C11
R16 C12
R17 C13
R18 C13
R19 C14
R20 C15
R21 C15
R22 C16

1: okch!octhy okar ar

2: cheg ar itho!r ary

3: sair chekey dairam

4: okcho dal oka!r a!r

5: sol aiir okey!tam

6: okeos ar alg

7: docheeo kody sar

8: dchokey shkchody al

9: chor al ylcho ral

10: soir al okody otedy

11: okody cheody sar

12: chokeod okeea

13: dkochy cthody dy

14: chodchy chotal

15: okeo sho qotam

16: okeodar oteody

17: ykeeos al dair dar

18: ykeey dal oky

19: doly dal dar chyky

20: okchol qokol dalo

21: ykechody otar

22: dar!y dar aloly