The page contains only a circular diagram, framed by four faint circles alternating with three bands of text (unit "C"). There is a conspicuous extra-wide break in all three bands at 10:45. There are also a couple of 'double space'd gaps in all three rings at about 12:00, not quite aligned, following the first few words on each ring.
In the middle of the diagram there is a colored disk filled with tiny stars, with one large star at the center, whose slender rays extend to the disk's perimeter.
Sprouting radially from the disk are 28 cylindrical objects ("logs"), alternatingly long and short, extending about halfway to the outer frame. Each log has a label (unit "L"), which reads radially inward along the log's axis.
Paragraph: C Circular text in outer frame Last edited on 1998-12-09 17:37:07 by stolfi
"U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image. "V" transcription by John Grove
Transcribed outside in, clockwise from conspicuous break at 10:45
&173 = "y" with overbar
1:dair cheyky otamy {gap}sar!a!r chykar {gap}okair sh ar chetody okeeos o!tey ot!okchey okeeody okeey doiir yteeo y echa ot!a okedy chsdy okeod!y dy cho aiin okar okar chol chese yto odair oty otcho dar o ey keody dchor char
3:do!air otaldal {gap}dair y!!!!!! chdy otoar ar y!!!!!! chy qoteor cho qotair chda oteeal chear ar air oteody ytyda dchy otoly okeodal oteoarar chetesescher dair chey okody dal oteey oteey
Label: L Labels on 28 logs around star Last edited on 1998-12-11 12:58:48 by stolfi
"V" transcription by John Grove. "U" transcription by J. Stolfi from scanned image.
Renumbered by J.Stolfi, clockwise from the extra-wide break in the outer text frame.