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Page: f72v3   Title: "Leo"

Three concentric rings of text, deimited by six faint mechanically
drawn circles. The outer and inner rings have wider word gaps
at 08:45. (The middle ring crosses a fold at that point).

In the centre is an animal resembling a lioness, facing west. The
animal has a very short and sparse mane, and a long tail ending in
a tuft of hair. The tail curved down, between or behind the rear
legs, then up behind body, and then forward. The right front paw
is lifted and points West. The animal has a muzzle similar to that
of the nibbling animal in f???, and is showing a longish, narrow,
pointed tongue.

Below the lion is a non-Voynichese word, possibly "augst" in
lowercase Latin letters. There may be a dot over the first leg of
the "u". The "s" looks like an uncrossed "f" with a straight
descender. The "t" looks like an EVA "c".

The three rings of text define two bands containing human figures
(12 in the inner band, 18 in the outer one), all naked, in 3/4
view (between frontal and facing clockwise). Each figure holds a
star with the left hand. The right hand is generally on the hip.

All the figures are naked. Most have visible breasts and
shoulder-long hair.

Clockwise from each figure there is a short label.


The animal at the center is probably a lion, the astrological
symbol for Leo. Leo is ??? to ???.

Paragraph: R1
outer ring of text
Last edited on 1998-12-28 00:31:06 by stolfi

Transcribed clockwise from wider gap at 08:45

1: soees otchs otedar oteody oteodal oteos ote*k**{fold} *eody sheokay sheody shedykeyl eteody!s okoleeolar okeey shedy otey sho shol teody okol*{fold}** yklede*y okechly olaiin shokche** {fold}!lol chopchey teey teoda cher okecheay otechol chsor cheey daein o!yteiedar chr{fold} !!!cthy otycheedy oteeol!y chokory

Paragraph: S1
Labels on stars, Leo, outer ring
Last edited on 1998-12-09 19:28:30 by stolfi

Numbers by John Grove


&ol = <l> above <o>?

transcribed clockwise from 10:00

1: ok*olo{fold}

2: ogeom

3: oreeey

star with tail
4: okam

star with tail
5: okey

6: oteeeody

7: okyeeshy

8: **!!!!!!!ofaiin

9: okoly

10: otoly

11: ofalals

12: reeeos ocfhey

no breasts
13: daiin chcpy

14: oteey dchyr

no breasts
15: cheolpy

16: okeeol

17: okaly

18: okaldy

Paragraph: R2
middle ring of text
Last edited on 1998-12-09 19:24:09 by stolfi

Transcribed clockwise from wider gap(?) at 08:45

1: !!!!!!!!!!shos {fold}otchy !**eody cheokey okeoekol oteos aiin yal eeedy okeos aly shy oka!y okeeey okeedal!y cholairy oke!! chees!y okeeol chey otey aldy chdy del ok*eoloky oty aiin cheis otoly{fold} ok**** etoteear

Paragraph: S2
Labels on stars, Leo, inner ring
Last edited on 1998-12-09 19:28:50 by stolfi

Numbers by John Grove
Transcribed clockwise from 10:30

1: otoly yty

2: sholeey

3: oky

4: chcthhy

5: loly

6: oeemy

7: odair an

8: okary

9: oecs aiin

10: oteesod

11: epal

12: otaly

Paragraph: R3
inner ring of text
Last edited on 1998-12-09 19:24:29 by stolfi

Transcribed clockwise from wider gap(?) at 08:45

1: okes!err or cskesol okeol yiin cholal ykeso!darar oleeo dy shedy soear aldy oteor cheor