Six faint, mostly concentric, mechanically drawn circles delimit three rings of text. There seem to be no distinguished break in the text.
Inside the inner circle is a squat animal. A dark smudge obliterates most of the animal's body, leaving visible only the head (roundish, with a wide mouth and two very short and broad horns) and the tail (that curves up, forward, down, then up again). Above the animal is a seven-pointed star with a tail that ends in the animal's mouth.
Below the animal is an illegible word.
Between the rings of text, there are two bands of naked figures ("nymphs"), 10 in the inner one and 16 in the outer one. Four additional nymphs are standing on top of the outer ring of text. Most of them are female (with breasts and shoulder-long:air).
Each nymph is:olding or pointing to a star.
There is a label just clockwise of each nymph.
Paragraph: S0 Labels on stars, Scorpio, outside the diagram Last edited on DATE TIME by USER
Numbers by John Grove Transcribed left to right
1: otoly
2: chockhy
3: okedy
4: yteeody
Paragraph: R1 outer text ring Last edited on 1998-12-10 01:04:00 by stolfi
No obviosu starting place Transcribed clockwise from discontinuity in bounding circles at 10:45
1: ypolcheey salchedal chepchey daraly oteos air ar oteosdal chotchy soteees alshey ches al chees cheoly leiir* choteey cheteey cheteeeos!aiin chetchody chedar ar cheteey oteor ar air alor shetch ytchy cheody ykeydom oteos alar alcheky
Paragraph: S1 Labels on stars, Scorpio, outer ring Last edited on 1998-12-10 01:05:52 by stolfi
No obviosu starting place. Transcribed clockwise from 10:30 Numbers by John Grove
1: otey
2: otaly
3: okeody
4: oteedyl
5: okesdy
6: okery
7: oksedy
8: ykeeory
9: oteeosy
10: shekal
11: oteedyg!
12: okedal
13: chdy
14: dalshey
15: opaiin
16: okeos
Paragraph: R2 middle ring of text Last edited on 1998-12-10 01:04:48 by stolfi
Transcribed clockwise from wider gap at 10:30
1: oteey dar al opaiin olalaiin sair ar chopchedy chdar orom otor!eees olteey okees otar chey oteas oho!r op!ar chey daiin qoiheey s!cheey dal cheesy
Paragraph: S2 Labels on stars, Scorpio, inner band Last edited on 1998-12-10 01:06:21 by stolfi
No obvious starting place, but nymphs seem to get progressively more crowded as we get closer to 10:30 Transcribed clockwise from wider gap at 10:30
1: okeos
2: okary
star with tail 3: ot*!ad!
4: oota!dy
5: oky
6: chefy
7: otal
star with tail 8: shek
star with tail 9: ar
10: kar
Paragraph: R3 inner ring of text Last edited on 1998-12-10 01:05:15 by stolfi
Transcribed clockwise from wide gap at 09:00
1: osaiin chedain oteey chedaly okechs chepchees aly oteodal {gap}