Paragraph: P2 text between the two ponds Last edited on 1998-12-10 01:50:34 by stolfi
"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 04-may-1998. Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS. The {.} marks Grove's "detachable initials".
12: t!!!ol sheor qokal dar olked orol kchey otai!n olchey okar sheky dedy kedy
13: qo!qokeey olkain qol sheedy qokeor sheedy qokal or chey qokar ol aiin
14: d!lshedy qokain dal qol qol ol sheedy cheey dal ol sheey qokain olol
15: s!al shedy qokai!n shey qoin ol shey ol shey qoky qol cheey chl or sheolo
16: o!l sheey qolshey qokain okaiin cha!r!or
17: p!!!okain okeedy or chesy s!ol shey qokeey qotedy olkedy chey tal dy qol
18: ol!shees ol sheckhy qokai!n ol chedy qol chedy qol keey qolchedy chealy
20: ychey qotain sheckhy qokedy qokedy lsheckhy qokai!n dal tol olchedy
21: qokai!n olshe!y qokai!n dar ol shedy qokedy qokeedy qokar olshedy oldy
22: qokeor chedy shckhy dol ycheedy saino ol cheedy qokar otar dal daiin
23: p!!!or shey okain chedy qol sheol olchedy
Label: L2 Labels above the lower pond Last edited on 1998-12-10 01:29:00 by stolfi
The picture resembles a lower pond sunk into the ground, fed by a tube from the tub further up the page. The pond is packed with 19 naked nymphs, ankle-deep in the water.
There is a normal-looking paragraph on the right side of the pond. On the left side there are about 6 words at the top, apparently not aligned with the text, and presumed to be labels (below). There are also 6 short lines of text; these were assumed to be part of the running text on the right side (<f75v.P3.27> thru <f75v.P3.32>).
"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 04-may-1998. Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.
May be two labels: 1: otal opal
May be two labels: 2: okeey lol
3: olol
4: ytedy
Paragraph: P3 text Last edited on 1998-12-11 13:04:05 by stolfi
The following paragraph lies to the right of the "lower pond" with 19 women. There is extra text above, to the left of, and below the pond, shown here as comments, which may or may not be part of this paragraph. This material is transcribed as separate unit, f75v.L2, f75v.L3, and f75v.P4.
"V" transcription by John Grove, posted 04-may-1998. Some of Grove's [kt] restored to [pf] based on other versions -JS.