The next line begins to the outside the left margin, right next to a water channel. The first half of the line is hanging above the bottom pond; the following lines are indented by a couple of inches, to leave space for the pond. The spacing of the first 11 words <shey...chedy> is a bit exaggerated, and there are 11 nymphs in the pond below:
24: shey dar shey dain aiin shedy orol ykar okedy qoky chedy okedar chey alol 25: qoteedy qokol otedy shedy qokeedy dol ol dam 26: sor olchdy lshedy qokchy dol otedy ytchor olky 27: dshedy sheedy qokedy chedy teedy qokeedy 28: qokeedy dkedy olcsedy qokal shckhy olkeedy 29: dshe!dy oteedy qotar chekar or shedy saiin 30: okaiin otchdy qokai!n csedy qokeey qotedy 31: qokai!n otchedy skeey rcheky dol okechy 32: ykedy qotedy chcthy ol!chcthy dar ar osy 33: yt*yl chedy qokor shekedy okedy ithhy dam 34: doledy qokedy ar aror okedy okedy