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Aquests son los iorns de la 

El pronòstic per als 30 dies lunars
Aquests són els dies de la lluna, el bo i el dolent.

El primer dia de la lluna, Adam va ser creat; aquest és un bon dia per començar totes les obres, per casar-se, comprar, vendre, viatjar, ja sigui per mar o per terra, i construir cases. Totes les persones que es posen malalts que cura dies; qualsevol nen nascut viurà. El somni que comprovarà si el primer o cinquè dia. Si trona, serà un bon senyal.

El segon dia de la lluna, Eva va ser creada; Aquest és un bon dia per casar-se, al vi i l'oli de la collita, comprar el vi i l'oli, lloguer maniobres van al mar o per terra, qualsevol negoci, i treballen la vinya . El pacient es recuperarà el nen per néixer, viurà, i serà un treball erudit perfecte i meravellós. El somni es farà realitat en el tercer dia.

The prognosis for the 30 lunar days
Here are the days of the moon, the good and the bad.

The first day of the moon, Adam was created; this is a good day to start all works, to get married, buy, sell, traveling either by sea or by land, and build homes. Everyone who get sick that day cure; any child born will live. The dream that will check if the first or fifth day. If it thunders, it will be a good sign.

The second day of the moon, Eve was created; This is a good day to get married, to harvest wine and oil, buy the wine and oil, rent maneuvers go to sea or by land, any business, and work the vine . The patient will recover the child to be born will live, and will be perfect and wonderful scholar work. The dream will come true on the third day.