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En la mar índich en la qual són peschadós e ay illes molt riques, mas los pescadós abans que devallen a la mar dien ses encantacions per les quals los pexos molt fugen, e si per aventura los pescadós develaven pescar que no aguessen dites les lurs encantacions, los pexos los menjarien, e açó és molt provada cosa.

The Indian Ocean there are fishermen and very rich Islands.
The fishermen that descend into the sea say their incantations (spells) before diving into the sea
and this way they dispel the fish. In the event that they do not say them, the fish devour them and this is proven thing.

comment of source: L’ATLES CATALÀ DE 1375 TREBALL  DE  FINAL  DE CARRERA Àngel Arana Palomo Juny, 2002
Although the text only speaks of fishermen, the illustration shows that are search engines of pearls. The fish could be sharks.  This information has already been included in this table (see no. 12) and comes from Marco Polo (No. CLXXIV).