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Sapiats que los hòmens e les fembres de aquesta regió quant són morts, ab esturments e ab solaços porte-los a cremar, empero los parents dels morts ploresn. Esdevé-sse algunes vegades, mas a tart, que les mullers dels morts se lancen ab los marits al foch, los marits emperò null temps no s’i lancen ab lus m[u]lers.
The cremation of the dead
Know that men and women of this region (country), when they died, are brought to burn accompanied by the sound of instruments with great rejoicing.
However, the relatives of the dead weep. Sometimes, but only occasionally, women of the dead will throw into the fire together with their husbands.
The husbands, however, will never be cast with their wives.

In a sample of how the cartographer wanted to represent not only the world but also the people and ways of life, presents this Chinese funeral ritual.  The illustration shows the musicians playing the zither, the violin and the flute, while the deceased is cremated in a bowl-shaped receptacle that is reminiscent of a baptismal font.   It is a practice reminiscent of the cremation of widows (sutti) in India. Here the text contains information from Marco Polo describing as the province of Malabar, the criminals are forced to commit suicide, and the relatives of the victim celebrated his death. Also there are widows immolades on the same pyre that their husbands dead.
source: L’ATLES CATALÀ DE 1375 TREBALL  DE  FINAL  DE CARRERA Àngel Arana Palomo Juny, 2002