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Les Iles Beneventurades son en lo mar gran contra la ma squerra prop lo terme del occident,mes pero son dintre la mar.
Isidori ho diu al se(u) -XV- libre, que aquestes son dites Beneventurades quar de tots bens, blats, fruyts, herbes, arbres son plenes.
e los pagans se cuiden que aqui sia parais per lo tempramnent del sol e habundancia de la terra. Item diu Isidorius que los arbres hi crexen
tots almenys - C- XL - peus ab molts poms e molts aucels; aqui ha mel e let, majorment en la ylla Canaria,
qui ayxi as apellada per la multitut de les arbres qui i son, Item es apres Canaria,
illa dita Canaria per la multitut dels cans que son en elha molt grans e forts. Diu Pli(ni)us, maestra de mapamundi, que en les yles Furtunades ha una ylla un se leven tots los bens del mon, con sense semrar e sens plantar leva tots fruits en les altees dels monts, los arbres no son null temps menys de fulla e de fruits ab molt gran odor; dásso menyen una part del any puis segen les messes en loch derba. Per questa raha tenen los pagans de les Indies que les lurs animes con son morts se'n van en aquelles yles e viuen per tot temps de la odor dáquels fruits, e callo creen que es lur paradis, mes segons veritat faula es.


The Fortunate Isles or Isles of the Blessed were semi-legendary (mythical) islands in the Atlantic Ocean. see wiki

The Fortunate Islands [Canary Islands] are found in the great sea, towards the left and near the end of Occident, but out at sea. Isidore says in his XV book that these islands are called fortunate because there are repleted with all sorts of goods: cereals, fruits, herbs and trees. Pagans believe this is the Paradise due to the mild sun and the plentifulness of the land. Isidore also says that the trees reach 140 feet of height and are full of fruits and birds. Here there is honey and milk, in particular in the island of Capraria, thus named due to the multitude of goats. There is also the island of Canaria, thus named due to the multitude of dogs, big and strong. Plius [Pliny] Master of Mappaemundi says that among the Fortunate Islands there is one with all the goods of the world because fruits grow at the top of the mountains without planting or seeding. Trees are never bear of leafs or without their aromatic fruits. They eat all these things during part of the year for they reap the grass the other part. This is why the pagans from the Indies believe that their souls go to these islands when they die where they live in eternity off the scent of those fruits; they believe it to be their paradise, but the truth is that is a fable.