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Açí està l’emperador de aquesta regió septentrional, del qual lo imperi comença en la província de Burgària e feneix en la ciutat de Organcio. Lo senyor és appellat Jambech, senyor del Sarra.

Here's the Emperor of this northern region the empire begins in the province of Bulgaria and ends in the city of Organcio (Urgenc). The ruler is called Jambech, Lord of Sarra.

The Lord of Sarra is sitting, in the same way, on a red cushion with six Golden balls around. Wearing green dress and turban. In his right hand holds a scepter ending in a Fleur de lis and with the left hand holding a Golden Ball. It is Jambech or Kaniebek, the last great master of the Empire of the Golden Horde of the Mongol Empire, splinter when died Gengis Khan. He died in 1357, therefore, was already dead when he made this Atlas.  The city of Urgenc is 200 km to the South of the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan. In the past it had been a commercial center of the Khanate of Khiva.

on the left the text 
Sapiats que aquells qui volen passar aquest desert estan e [re]posen per tota una setmana contínuament en una ciutat appellada Lop en la qual ells e lurs bèsties recréan, puys [pren] en lurs necessaris per ·VII· meses, car per tot lo desert va [hom] ·I· dia e una nit abans que hom puxa trobar aygua bona a beure, mas de dia en dia e nit ne troba hom tanta que abasta de ·L· en ·C·  persones o a més; e si·s esdevendrà [que de] nit cavalcant algú agreujat se adorma o en altra cosa [era] per què leix los altres companyons, sovén s’esdevé que ou [en l’aer] veus de diables semblants a les veus dels companyons [encara] que·l nomenen per son nom propri, per què los [diables] lo ménan tant deçà e dellà per lo desert axí con [companyons] seus que null temps no pot trobar sos companyons. E d’aytal desert ·M· novelles ne són sabudes.

You know that those who want to cross this desert stop and rest for a week in a city that is called Lop, where travelers and their romance is recreating. After taking everything they need for the seven months of travel, since they spend a whole night and diat desert before finding drinking water; but each day and a half you can find so that is sufficient for fifty or a hundred people, or even more. And if something happens that night someone who rides, tired, sleep or for any other reason away from their peers, often hears voices from hell similar to those of the colleagues who call by name, and so the Devils get here no there through the desert in a way that never find their companions. This desert are explained a thousand stories.