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Aquesta pruvíncia és appellada Tàrssia de la qual axiren los ·III· reys fort savis, e vangueren en Batlem de Judea ab lurs dons e adoraren Jhesuchrist, e són sebolits en la ciutat de Cologna a dues jornades de Bruges.

This province is called Tàrsia and it came out the three kings very wise men who came to Bethlehem of Judea with his present and they worshipped Jesus Christ. They are buried in the city of Cologne, in two days.

The land of Tàrsia as the home of the Kings of the East might be based on the Bible where we can read: "the Kings of continental prima and the Islands will bring gifts..." (Sl, 72,10), and also appears in medieval literature, such as the stories of Mandeville (No. XX). Once again appear linked the Biblical references with medieval traditions.

source: L’ATLES CATALÀ DE 1375 TREBALL  DE  FINAL  DE CARRERA Àngel Arana Palomo Juny, 2002