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1: kal chedy qokeey otedy dytedy okeedy olshed opshed ykcsedy qotedy opoly

2: tol or sheey chckhdy schckhy dal y!shedy otedy qol or ol eedy qokeey or!oly

3: qokeey dar shedy qokedy qokeedy qokedy chedy okai!n chey qokedy dar olar dy

4: tor shedy tedy !rol ol cheol shedy shckhy qokal olkedy

5: p!!!chol cphol sol teol tedy qotedy qokeedy qokeey ol keedy tey qokedy qopor oly

6: otchy ol shedy qokedy shedy okedy shckhy chckhy olchey schey dal chckhy ral

7: qokey s!ol yqokai!n qolkeey qotedy qokai!n shedy sal!chedy

8: p!!!shol pchcfhdy qokeedy dy qokedy daiin shckhedy qokaiin checthy dar checthy am

9: qokaiin chol cheky okal!y chey okal chedy tor!y otshedy qokey l!shedy

10: qotchsdy ykeedy qokal ol shedy qokedy qokeedy qokeedy chedy raiin chey otar dar

11: dar sheor shcthy qokeor qotedy rshedy qolchey oteey qol shedy ol daiin ol!or

12: p!!!ol tar shedy qokedy okal shey qokar chckhy otchey qokchedy !c!hey qokaiin

13: p!!!chedy qotchedy otaiiin chcthy shedy otedy qoty qotedy ol okedy otedy rom

14: qotol shcthhy oty dar shcthy schdy qokeedy olkey

Here comes the middle pond

text on the left of the textblock :  flow? - flow between vats
13: otaly

The first line has 10 words, and there are 10 nymphs in the pond above it:

15: p!!!alchd fchedy sh!cthy olky dar opalkaiin o!qofchedy or!aiiin ofoly oroly

16: s!or ol olaiin oqol y!qor or ckhedy chkedy okai!n shedy qokolchedy olai!n

17: qokeedy okeey dar olchedy qsolkeedy rar checkhy otar chedy olchcthy lor

18: dchdy qokedy ol chckhy olchdy sar or ykeedy chetey sai!n shedy shekam

19: ykchdar or ar!ar shedy qokal daiin shedy olkedy qokedy qoky chedy daiin

20: qotar ytedy tedy dar olkedy qotedy shckhy chtol tedy dar or oly

21: shol tchdy tedy ykai!n shey cheol y!tedy al!kedy okedar o!lkeed ol ary

22: d!shey teey sor ol shedy dar aldy otedaiin shckhchy chckh!y daiin ar!yly

23: qokal daiin dai!n otey cheor air shckhy orair oro