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Page: f58v


Text only: four paragraphs (with 21.0, 5.8, 4.3, and 5.7 lines,
respectively). Below the first paragraph there is a centered
title, which may be simply the last line of the paragraph.

There is a six-pointed star with tail (perhaps a flower?) in the
top left corner, right next to the top edge, with the tail ending
on the first baseline, just to the left of the first character.

6pt star above first line

1: {star tail}tol shokchy opaiin opaiin chofaly ypar ypal opal opaldaiin

2: dair or sheaiin tair y qotalody saiin okeody qotair ar alor orky

3: todal qotain sho ckheey qokeol okey qokalchal daly ar aim

4: or aiin okair y dair!al qokal qokaiin qokaly okar olkaly okal

5: faiir ofaror qotaiin sholy qotaiin yqokaly okal qokaly okaly

6: qokair or aly shor daiin choly dal ykaiin org fchey okaly oky

7: y daiin qokeey qokar lchedy qokalor sheols oteor aiin cheky

8: taiin ckhey daldy qokair alar ytal aiin otaiin ykaiin ykaly dam

9: s!alal qolaiin chockhey tcholy qokaiin qokaiin!os orcheey olaly

10: ykair shey key ctholy qotalom qokal! qokaiin okal okaldy ory

11: tchol!shol tor qokair!or y ykaiin dory okaiir chodaiin otals

The last "p" below is extra wide
12: oreeey cheekey cheal qokey chedal dy tolair opchey poaly cfhy

13: qoeear alkeain ytal chor alor okal chcthy tal ck{&K}shy kar

14: shar air alos chol oeear sho qotal chol talar tar ar opam

15: qotoiin otal ar!al s air qoal talchos okal cho ytam dam

16: ykaiin qokair okaly qokal chaly cheockhey olaly tal!dar al

17: daiin al!al dal qokiir otal chodol qokeal cheol chos okeeam

18: taiin chal sheal qockhy dar aiin ockhey qokeey qoaiin aral

18a: okair chokal cheoldy qokor olkam cheol dar chokeey okalchy

19: tolain ar ykeain qokeey otal chol okal ar chety chkalar ol

20: olain olalor odaiin qotais otal qokal dai!r oishy otam

Title: T
title - centered

21: okar sheey shekealy