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Automatically extracted by VIB extractor.
Transcription archive : text16e6.evt
Extraction module : Basic EVA
Extraction time : Saturday 2015-10-31 23-46-05 CET

Title: "nine-rosette diagram"
Page: f85v2 = NC+ND+NE+NF+NG+NH (Rene) = p169 (Stolfi)
Folio: f85+f86
Panels: f85v2+f86r4+f86r6+f85v1+f86r3+f86r5

Bifolio: bN1 = f85+f86
Quire: N (Rene) = XIV (Beinecke)

This is the top left panel(?) of the main face of a 12-panel foldout.

Panels 85v2, 86r4, 86r6 (top), and 85v1, 86r3, 86r5 (bottom)
comprise a single logical page, here called f85v2, which is the
main face of a 12-panel fold-out. This is the only face that can
be entirely seen when all folds are opened. All the panels
obviously belong to the same bifolio, which is bound at the
vertical fold between panels 85v1 and 86r3.


Language: B (Currier)
Hand: 3 (Currier)
Subsets: C (Rene), cos (Stolfi)
Subject: cosmological
Colors: ??? (Reeds)


This face of the fold-out contains an elaborate diagram consisting
of nine main circular diagrams or "rosettes" connected by things
that resemble roads, rivers, tubes, etc. Using compass directions
as labels for the rosettes, the general layout is roughly like this:

= NW----N----NE
= | \ | / |
| | |
W--- Ctr----E
| * | |
| / | \ |

(The right 1/3 of this design is incomplete and based on verbal
descriptions by others; I have not seen panels f86r5 and
f86r6 yet.)

The top and bottom rosettes lie one in each of the six panels,
roughly centered. The rosettes in the middle row sit on top of the
horizontal fold. The center rosette is the largest one
while the mid-side ones (N, E, S, W) are the smallest.

There is a ring of text around each rosette, and dozens of labels
all over the place. Unfortunately the copy on which this
description is based is almost illegible and is lacking the entire
East column of the diagram (panels f86r6 and f86r5).

Several object in this diagram seem to be covered by tongue-like
"scales" or sprouts (see glossary). In several places these scales
pile up into a small conical mound or "fountain", which seems to emit
a small "jet" (which looks like a tuff of stiff hair).

The NW rosette (panel f85v2):

This rosette is surrounded by by two thin mechanically drawn
circles that bound a ring of text, with a wide gap at 09:30.
Inside this ring is a band of scales turned inwards, giving the
impression of a hollow spherical shell with closely-packed
finger-like buds sprouting from the inside surface. The band of
scales is fringed with a band of hairs, also pointing inwards,
and a circle of small dots.

At the center of this "shell" is a round (slightly oblong)
object, also decorated with scales, hairs, and tiny dots
but pointing outwards. The object seems to have a opening shaped
like an eye on its side, as if a slice had been cut from a
melon. The interior of the object seems to be hollow. The edges
of the hole are fringed with many small "teeth" or "flames",
sharp and curved, directed inwards. On the right edge of the
cut, on the boundary between the scales and the flames, there is
a single word.

North, East, and South of the NW rosette there is a complex of
scalloped and hatched areas that suggests a very rough surface.
Cutting through this hatching, and apparently higher than it, are
some flat areas that resemble broad wawering roads. One "road"
connects the rosette to a wide flat "plateau" North of it, that
extends beyond the panel's edge. Another road goes East to the
N rosette (panel f86r4) and a third road goes South to the
W rosete (split between panels f85v1 and f85v2).

The East-going (NW to N) road narrows quickly, and is
interrupted halfway by a round court. (Actually the court is
foreshortened to an oval; this part of the diagram is drawn as
seen from due West, high above the road.) Two narrow
paths---slightly convex, with parapets---connect this plaza to
the N rosette. The trapezoidal space between the two paths could
be a hole or a flowerbed. The road and plaza are edged by an
artificial-looking wall, interrupted by a few square columns or
towers of the same height. In the middle of the road there is a
round multistory tower, with a sharp conical roof.

The South-going (NW to W) road sports five labels: one at each
end, one in the middle, and one on each side, outside the road.
It is apparently drawn as seen obliquely from the South.

Five straight tubes exit from the NW rosette's outline, directed
Southeast towards the center rosette. They seem supported at
their base by a rampart with multiple scalloped outline. The
tubes are arranged symmetrically, with one in center and four,
slightly narrower, around it. They stop in mid-air with flat
open ends, as if all were cut with a single stroke. There is a
label further ahead of the tubes and aligned with their axis.

Further nortwest of this rosette, right next to the panel's
corner, there is a small sun with long sinuous rays. West of the
rosette, squeezed against the left edge of the panel, is a
narrow text with two paragraphs of 4.0 (or 5.0?) and 4.0 lines.

The NE rosette (panel f86r6)

This panel is missing in my copy. However one can see part of
the road connecting the NE rosette to the N rosette. What can be
seen is almost a mirror image of the road from NE to N: a
broadening road, edged by artifical walls with square posts or
towers. However there is no flower bed dividing the road in two,
as there is on the other side. The plaza and fountain, if any,
lie in panel <f86r6>.

The SW rosette (panel f85v1)

The SW rosette is bounded by a ring of text (unit "C1") bordered two
faint mechanically drawn circles. There are gaps in the text at
01:30 and 07:30.

Inside the text ring is a "plateau" with scalloped boundary,
with 8 extensions or "passages" leaving in different directions.
Each passage has a peculiar outline, sort of a pair of trumpets
joined at their narrow ends by a "bulb-like" swelling. The passages
are flat like the plateau but are surrounded by a several wavy
lines, sugegsting cliffs. One "passage" goes North, one West, two
South, three East, and one (narrower, with two swellings, each
with a dot inside) goes SouthEast. The passages going North and
East are more or less aligned with the roads between the SW,
W, and S rosettes, that start just outside the text ring.
However the match is not perfect, as if the text ring marked an
ellipsis or a change of scale.

Inside the scalloped area there is an elliptical "flower bed"
surrounded by a band of scales. At the four cardinal points, the
scales pile up into four fountains, whose jets point at nothing in
particular. The flower bed is filled with 24 tiny flowers or
stars. In the center there is a flower-like object with 6 round
"petals" and a doubly-traced outline.

There are several labels (unit "B1") on or near this rosette.
One label in the scalloped-outline area, at 07:30, seems
associated with the area itself, or the flower bed inside it.
Another 9 labels seem associated with the 8 "passages" leaving the
scalloped area, and perhaps with the fountains at the corners of
the flower bed. Two more labels lie on the "sea", between the
text ring and the scalloped area, at 08:00 and 11:00. Four more
labels, reading radially outwards, lie just outside the text
ring, between 04:30 and 06:00; they may be associated with the
passages going Southeast (although they are not aligned with

Outside the text ring, Northwest from the rosette, there is a
roundish textured area surrounded by several wavy lines,
resembling a small "island" with steep coastline. A broad,
slighlty divergent band with wavy outlines, resembling a
torrential stream of water, goes from the island to the edge of
plateau (passing under the text ring). Two curves lines of text
are written along the stream's axis, and a third is written
along its Southern edge. On the Northeast side of the island
there is a tuff of curved hairs, so that the island looks like
an onion with its roots.

On the opposite side of the rosette (07:30), also outside the
text ring there is a small circle (with double outline decorated
with 8 sets of three cross-hatches). The circle is surrounded by
a short ring of text (half clockwise and half counterclockwise).
Inside the circle there are three dots connected into an "L"
with equal arms. Two labels, reading radially towards the the
rosette, lie on each side of the small circle. A "dock"
resembling a double-traced squarish "U" extends out of the SW
rosette towards the small circle.

Connecting the SW and W rosettes there is a "road", looking like
a causeway bordered by artificial-looking walls. The road is
actually a diamond-shaped loop, with slightly concave sides. The
North and South corners of this diamond connect to the two
rosettes; the West and East corners of the diamont open into
small round courts. Around this diamond are some wavy lines that
suggest steep rocky cliffs. The four corners of the diamond are
labeled, and there are two more labels in the "sea" on both
sides (all in unit "B1" too).

The SW and S rosettes are connected by a broad bowtie-shaped
"isthmus", apparently with steep rocky shores. A thick
"fortified wall", fringed with "M"-shaped merlets on both sides,
runs along the Southern "shore" of the isthmus. North of this
wall are two triangular "fields", taking up most of the
isthmus, covered by parallel lines and many vertical sticks or
poles. There is a label just north of the wall, and another
just off the Northern "shore".

The SE rosette (panel f86r5)

This panel is not available, but on panel f86r3 one can see half of the connection
between rosette SE and rosette S. This connection too is a bow-shaped isthmus.
The multiple wavy outlines suggest steep shores on both sides. There is a
narrower bowtie-shaped "road" on the isthmus, next to the South shore cliff.
This road has no parapets or merlets, but its edges are scalloped. Between
the road and the North shore cliffs there is a band of scales, pointing seawards.
There are two labels (unit "B3") just off the shore, one on each side of the

The N rosette (panel f86r4)

This rosette is surrounded by ring of text (unit "V2"). The ring
is fairly round but the presumed guiding circles are not

Just inside this ring there is a band of scales, as in the NE
rosette. However there are no hairs or dots. Instead the scales
seem to pile up into 13 conical "fountains" (11 visible and 2
inferred), pointing inwards.

The fountains seem to be blowing or spraying a "windmill" that
takes up most of the space inside the rosette. Each fountain
points into the notch between consecutive "blades" of the
windmill. In each sector, between consecutive fountains, there are
10 labels, aligned with the tips of the windmill blades, reading
radially inwards. (Two of the sectors are hidden by the
"waterfall", see below.)

The central "windmill" resembles the central structure of the
diagram in <f68v1>. It consists of a fat star (or toothed disk)
divided into 13 "blades" or sectors shaped like narrow kites.
Each sector is split lengthwise into a solid dark-colored half
(the most clockwise one) and a "starry" half. The latter
contains many tiny stars against a colored background. The
approximate star counts, clockwise from North, are

sector 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
stars 11 10 10 10 09 10 11 10 11 10 11 10 10

The actual counts may be one or two higher. Thus there are
133 stars, perhaps a little more. This is almost exactly twice
the total number of stars in the windmill of <f68v1> (66-67).

A "flow" of some sort seems to be taking place between the
windmill's South edge and the central rosette. The flow has
triangular or conical shape, and is marked with stream lines and
many small circles suggesting droplets. It is not entirely clear
which way the flow is moving; but its South end has smaller
"droplets", and exits or enters a hole at the top of a conical
pile of scales, similar to the fountains inside the N rosette
but larger.

A narrow stick or tube, with a round swelling near its tip,
extends Southwards from the center of the windmill, for about
half its radius. (It is probably perpendicular to the windmill's
plane, but drawn as if looking from a North-South direction.)

The S rosette (panel f86r3)

This rosette, like the others, is framed by a ring of text
(unit "C2") between two faint mechanically drawn circles. There is a wide
gap in the text between 06:00 and 06:45.

The space inside the ring is largely occupied by
a "windmill" object somewhat similar to the one inside
the N rosette. This windmill too has the outline of a fat
star divided into 13 narrow kite-shaped sectors. However,
instead of being bisected into dark and light halves,
here the sectors alternate between dark solid color
and starry sky pattern. The necessary exception
is the sector at 08:00, which is bisected by a
wavy line that slaloms between two rows of dots;
the clockwise half is starry, the other is solid dark.
The star counts per sector, starting with this one, are

sector 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
stars 12 -- 19 -- 25 -- 24 -- 26 -- 22 -- 24

i.e. 152 stars.

There is no tube at the center of the windmill, only a
faint circular marking, possibly containing two Voynichese

At the tip of almost every sector there is a small round bulb,
and attached to almost every bulb is a fan-like structure
of varying width. When present, the fan starts from a small
pointed spike at the at distal end of the bulb, and stops at the
surrounding text ring. For the broadest fans, the spike seems to
have opened to a crown of points. More precisely, starting from
the split sector at 08:00 we have

sector 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 ** 12 ** 13
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
bulb at tip Y Y Y Y ? ? ? Y Y Y Y Y ? Y Y
spike(S)/rown(W) S S S S ? ? ? S S S W ? ? ? W
fan width(N,0..2) 2 ? ? N N N N 0 N 0 1 2 2 2 2

The two "**" entries above refer to a pair of "extra" fans that
start from narrow stalks growing from the notch between two star tips.

Some of the bays between consecutive star tips contain labels
(unit "B2"), reading radially inward.

Symmetrically to the N rosette, there is a big fan-shaped flow
between an aperture in the central rosette and the whole North
edge of the windmill. The flow is marked with stream lines
(diverging from the North vertex) and small chevrons pointing
South, towards the windmill. The flow seems to emanate from a
bottle-shaped nozzle on the wall of the central rosette.

The W rosette (on the fold between panels f85v1 and f85v2)

This rosette is similar to the North and South ones, in that it
has a ring of text (unit "N1") surrounding a "windmill", which
is sprayed by a "flow" emanating from the central rosette.
However the fold and the poor copy quality prevent us from
checking many of the details that are visible in the other two.

The text ring is interrupted at 09:45 by a decorated rectangle
(a laterally compressed version of the "notched square" marker).

The West windmill is smaller than its North and South
companions. It is divided into 18 kite-shaped sectors,
alternating beyween solid medium-light color and starry sky
pattern. Clockwise from 09:00, the star counts are

sector 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
stars ?? -- >6 -- 07 -- 05 -- ?? -- 10 -- 09 -- 09 -- 10 --

So there are more than 56, probably around 80 stars on this windmill.

About two dozen thin beams or "stalks" emanate from the windmill
(both from the tips of the sectors and from the throughs between
sectors). the stalks end in round bulbs. These in turn are
connected to a scalloped circle that resembles a ring of round

The "flow" is somewhat smaller than the North and South ones,
and consists of several tinsel-like strands with the barbs
pointing towards the windmill; it is similar to the South flow,
but the barbs are pointing in the opposite sense. The
strands converge on (or diverge from a point on the wall
of the center rosette---which is unfortunately obscured by the fold.

Between the text ring and the arches there are 8 labels (one of them,
obscured by the fold), reading radially inwards (unit "M1").

The central rosette (on the fold between panels f86r3 and f86r4).

The usual text ring (unit "N2") is surrounded in this case by a
complex band, entirely covered with outward-pointing scales and
other structures. Exposed scales are seen to have a dark spot
near the middle. The band of scales is edged on the outside with
many triangular "teeth" (spines, flames, grass blades) and then
by a ring of tiny dots. The inner edge of the band has a row of
fan-shaped elements (resembling gingko leaves),also pointing
outwards. From among the scales thre arises at regular inervals
a group of five or six tubes (a wide one at the center, with
smaller and shorter tubes surrounding it). All tubes have
an open, clean-cut end.

Inside the text ring there are two additional concentric bands
of outward-pointing scales. The outermost of these two bands
is fringed by hairs, also pointing outwards.

In the annular space between the text ring and the the second
band of scales there are 19 labels, reading radially inwards ---
all between 17:30 and 02:30.

Around the North half of that annular space there is also a thin
semicircular line that is interrupted several times by
triple-scalloped indentations.

The inner band of scales is a bit flattened, like a disk seen in
perspective. Inside the band there are half a dozen "mushrooms"
in a circle. Each mushroom consists of a "stalk" and a "head",
topped by a "roof". The stalk is a chubby cylinder with its
bottom half encased in a short "sock" that flares out near the
ground, then narrows again. The "head" is spherical and
featureless. The "roof" is shaped like an upside-down trumpet,
with thick lip, and ends with a sharp point at the top.

Further inside the mushroom ring there is a ring of unidentified
shapes (perhaps resembling human silhouettes), and a dotted area
which may represent plants.

Between the mushrooms there are a few words of text (also in
unit "M2").



I.e. what objects was the artist trying to draw?

The hatched areas outside the rosettes could be sea waves, rocky terrain,
flesh, clouds, cave walls, and many other things. However the details
of the NE to N road sugegst they are cliffs rising from the sea.

The object inside NE rosette could be a cutaway view of a hollow
shell, with a layer of "scales" on the outside, and
inward-pointing flames or spines on the inside. The label seems to
be applied the shell itself.

The opening could also be a mouth with teeth; but the shape,
curvature, and slant or the "teeth" are not correct. It could also
be eye with eyelashes; but the same objection applies, and there
is no hint of iris and pupil.

The tower-like structure on the N to NE road could be a fountain.
There are faint markings South of it that could be a puddle of water,
or a standing person (with one arm on the "fountain"), or...

The two roads connecting the N rosette to the plaza West of it
could be either bridges or, two lanes separated by a flower bed.

The knobs at the corners of the SW-W road could be towers seen
from dead above (the apparent perspective for this part of the
drawing), dropping straight down to the sea level. But they could
also be landing pads at sea level...

The grooved areas North of the wall on the SW-S isthmus could
represent plowed and planted fields, or vineyards.


I.e. what is the purpose of this picture?

The sun in the NE corner suggests a cosmological interpretation.
On the other hand, the tubes suggest anatomy, or (less likely)
plumbing, while the roads and tower suggest a map.

The whole diagram may be a graphic equivalent of the description
of the cosmos given in 1 Enoch and other ancient texts, where
natural phenomena like planetary motions, rivers, winds, rains,
springs, etc. are said to be produced in some "cosmic factory".

Alternatively, it could be a "biological factory" explanation of
human physiology.

Perhaps this diagram is an attempt to draw the mysterious device
described in the Cabal, or the apocalyptic vision of Ezra, or
Heron's hydraulic gadgets, or...

Just to cover all the bases: it could be a report from a time
traveler or UFO abductee: the NW rosette is a fusion reactor, the
pipes leaving it carry steam for heating, the N/S/W/E rosettes are
steam turbines, the bulb-headed towers in the center are
rockets... 8-)

<f85r2> {$I=C $Q=N $P=B $L=B $H=3}
# page 171
# cosmological
# Currier's language B, hand 3
# sun & circle divided in 4, 4 human figures.
# 'Four seasons'. Outer and inner circle of text and four
# blocks. Lines in blocks are loci .B1 to .B22 and
# comments are included to show the compass directions.
<f85r2.C1> {09:00}\
<f85r2.B1> {N}sain.or.or,aiin.opchdy
<f85r2.B2> {N}qotor.sheedy.shodaiin.olfar,ary
<f85r2.B3> {N}dair.sheo.oraiin.chol,daiin
<f85r2.B4> {N}ockhdar.olkar.shoral
<f85r2.B5> {N}roseer=
<f85r2.B6> {E}pchedeey.olkey.qokedy.sheos.fcheey
<f85r2.B7> {E}otchedy.chotey.qocthey.oteey.ol.oloqorain
<f85r2.B8> {E}daiin.qotaiin.tchedy.otedy.qotchdy.chckhey
<f85r2.B9> {E}ytchedy,qodar.qotedar.qokar.qotchd.qotom
<f85r2.B10> {E}soiis,aiin.shedaiin.chok(co)m=
<f85r2.B11> {S}otchs.shedor.chey,sorain
<f85r2.B12> {S}or.shedy.tedy.sodaiiin.chy
<f85r2.B13> {S}ytedar.chz[s|r].aiin.arody
<f85r2.B14> {S}ypshedy.dar.chedy.or,am
<f85r2.B15> {S}
<f85r2.B16> {S}orar.oldar.ain=
# Here ThP used 16a instead of 17 so the rest is out of sync
<f85r2.B17> {W}okees.olaiin.qokal.chdy.sary
<f85r2.B18> {W}qokshedy.qodain.chckhy.ykeedy.chedy
<f85r2.B19> {W}or,aiin.ckhed[a|y].or.ain.olchey.qokal.shedy
<f85r2.B20> {W}qokeody.qoekedy.dody.shedy.qodaiin
<f85r2.B21> {W}los,ar.shedy.qokshey.qose*y.or.aiin,og
<f85r2.B22> {W}ol.lcheol.chol.ol.sheoly=
<f85r2.C2> {09:30}okees.ochar.oted[o|a]r.ochedy.otody.\
<f85v2> {$I=C $Q=N $P=C $L=B $H=3}
# Part of 6-page 9-circle 85v2 86r4 86r6 1 4 7
# composite. Page and circle 85v1 86r3 86r5 2 5 8
# numbers as indicated to the 3 6 9
# right.
# Petersen loci as {circle:locus} e.g. {1:9} inside circle 1.
# This is the upper left page with parts of circles 1 and 2.
<f85v2.C1> {10:30}oto.tosa[ir|in].adar.otar.otod.okaiin.dalal,chdar.\*oeey.\
# B1 to B8 are block left of circle, left margin unreadable
<f85v2.B1> {1:1}ofain,ain
<f85v2.B2> {1:2}ych,*ar
<f85v2.B3> {1:3}ydekam
<f85v2.B4> {1:4}darchedy
<f85v2.B5> {1:5}oto[ch|*]edy,sy
<f85v2.B6> {1:6}?d[o|a]y,olal
<f85v2.B7> {1:7}?dchor,orary
<f85v2.B8> {1:8}saira[d|*]am=
<f85v2.S1> {1:9}okchdarar
<f85v2.S2> {1:10}orarol
<f85v2.S3> {1:11}saeeasa*
<f85v2.C2> {10:30}osar.otar.otodeedy.oty,daiin.sheor.oar.\
<f85v2.S4> {2:9}soiindy
<f85v2.S5> {2:10}ytedar
<f85v2.S6> {2:11}[d|*]dsschx
<f85v2.S7> {2:12}ofardy
<f85v2.S8> {2:13}daldar
<f85v2.S9> {2:1}otedal
<f85v2.S10> {2:2}opaiin,o
<f85v2.S11> {2:3}otchdy
<f85v1> {$I=C $Q=N $P=D $L=B $H=3}
# Part of 6-page 9-circle 85v2 86r4 86r6 1 4 7
# composite. Page and circle 85v1 86r3 86r5 2 5 8
# numbers as indicated to the 3 6 9
# right.
# Petersen loci as {circle:locus} e.g. {1:9} inside circle 1.
# This is the lower left page with parts of circles 2 and 3.
<f85v1.S1> {2:4}okchy
<f85v1.S2> {2:5}chkeedy
<f85v1.S3> {2:6}opairar
<f85v1.S4> {2:7}odee[*|d]y
<f85v1.S5> {2:8}okody
# Start of circle 3
<f85v1.C3> {07:30}otchdaiin.otodar.otedar.otar,odaiin.olkaiin.\[a|y].\
<f85v1.S6> {3:1}ofod[a|y]dy
<f85v1.S7> {3:2}opd[a|y]dy
<f85v1.S8> {3:3}otod?
<f85v1.S9> {3:4}otodedy
<f85v1.S10> {3:5}okaramal
<f85v1.S11> {3:6}opchdy
<f85v1.S12> {3:7}ofdora[m|*]
<f85v1.S13> {3:8}oda
<f85v1.S14> {3:9}otedam
<f85v1.S15> {3:10}lokedshs
<f85v1.S16> {3:11}otodar
<f85v1.S17> {3:12}otedaiin
<f85v1.S18> {3:13}okedy
<f85v1.S19> {3:14}xoltedy
<f85v1.S20> {3:15}op[ch|a]dam
<f85v1.S21> {3:16}ofchdar
<f85v1.S22> {3:17}ot[ch|*]dy
<f85v1.S23> {3:18}otody
<f85v1.S24> {3:19}otedy,oporam
<f85v1.S25> {3:20}chdain
<f85v1.S26> {3:21}oted[y|*]
<f85v1.S27> {3:22}depcheky
<f85v1.S28> {3:23}ot[ch|a]
<f85v1.S29> {3:24}osy
<f85v1.S30> {3:25}[o|a]dl
<f85v1.S31> {3:26}d,dy
<f85v1.S32> {3:27}oteey
# Text around Brumbaugh's clock also as scattered
<f85v1.S33> {left of 'clock'}oparsh[*|f][*|ch]dy
<f85v1.S34> {above 'clock'}sar.odaiin,or
<f85v1.S35> {below 'clock'}o.dar.[aiird|?]
<f85v1.S36> {right of 'clock'}oteoly
<f86r4> {$I=C $Q=N $P=E $L=B $H=3}
# Part of 6-page 9-circle 85v2 86r4 86r6 1 4 7
# composite. Page and circle 85v1 86r3 86r5 2 5 8
# numbers as indicated to the 3 6 9
# right.
# Petersen loci as {circle:locus} e.g. {1:9} inside circle 1.
# This is the upper central page with parts of circles 4 and 5.
<f86r4.C4> {05:00}sairadror.or.okal.or,al,\,l[r|*].okan.okod.ok*d.ok[e|*]o.ody.\
<f86r4.S1> {4:1}daldal
<f86r4.S2> {4:2}da[r|s]aldy
<f86r4.S3> {4:3}oko
<f86r4.S4> {4:4}daiiny
<f86r4.S5> {4:5}do(cfhh)y
<f86r4.S6> {4:6}okedy
<f86r4.S7> {4:7}o[k|p]ary
<f86r4.S8> {4:8}opain
<f86r4.S9> {4:9}opar
<f86r4.S10> {4:10}adairy
<f86r4.S11> {4:11}dxar
<f86r4.S12> {4:12}okory
<f86r4.S13> {4:13}opo[k|t]chosody
<f86r4.C5> {00:00}\
<f86r4.S14> {5:1}oteedy
<f86r4.S15> {5:2}opa
<f86r4.S16> {5:3}odal
<f86r4.S17> {5:4}shdy
<f86r4.S18> {5:5}opchees
<f86r4.S19> {5:6}opar
<f86r4.S20> {5:7}daral
<f86r3> {$I=C $Q=N $P=F $L=B $H=3}
# Part of 6-page 9-circle 85v2 86r4 86r6 1 4 7
# composite. Page and circle 85v1 86r3 86r5 2 5 8
# numbers as indicated to the 3 6 9
# right.
# Petersen loci as {circle:locus} e.g. {1:9} inside circle 1.
# This is the lower central page with parts of circles 5 and 6.
<f86r3.S1> {5:8}otdod?.oe[g|*]y
<f86r3.S2> {5:9}soshxor.arar
<f86r3.S3> {5:10}otedain,otody
<f86r3.S4> {5:11}ytedar?
<f86r3.S5> {5:12}opo*daiin
<f86r3.S6> {5:13}ols
<f86r3.S7> {5:14}ypal
<f86r3.S8> {5:15}opydsh
<f86r3.S9> {5:16}rshy
<f86r3.S10> {5:17}olz
<f86r3.S11> {5:18}dtedg
<f86r3.S12> {5:19}opy
<f86r3.S13> {5:20}ofdaj
<f86r3.S14> {5:21}ddary
<f86r3.S15> {5:22}ot[o|e]dy
<f86r3.S16> {5:23}dairdy
<f86r3.S17> {5:24}rody
<f86r3.C6> {06:30}o[k|t]edar.okody.okair.chedo.opar,al,k,eedy.\
<f86r3.S18> {6:1}opchdain
<f86r3.S19> {6:2}otdar.shed
<f86r3.S20> {6:3}ofaraiin
<f86r3.S21> {6:4}okalar
<f86r3.S22> {6:5}okchdy
<f86r3.S23> {6:6}ykedy
<f86r3.S24> {6:7}otchdy
<f86r3.S25> {6:8}otosaiin
<f86r3.S26> {6:9}otchdam
<f86r3.S27> {6:10}[o|*]tedy
<f86r3.S28> {6:11}okar
<f86r3.S29> {6:12}olarealg
<f86r6> {$I=C $Q=N $P=G $L=B $H=3}
# Part of 6-page 9-circle 85v2 86r4 86r6 1 4 7
# composite. Page and circle 85v1 86r3 86r5 2 5 8
# numbers as indicated to the 3 6 9
# right.
# Petersen loci as {circle:locus} e.g. {1:9} inside circle 1.
# This is the upper right page with parts of circles 7 and 8.
<f86r6.C7> {00:00}okas.epar.[ch|a]ir,u.oteoteedy.oto[s|r].\\
<f86r6.C10> {Spiral}uo[ch|*]s.oet[ee|ch]y.osar,aram.\
<f86r6.S1> {7:1}okody
<f86r6.S2> {7:2}[cphe|epch]y
<f86r6.S3> {7:3}*o[r|s]al
<f86r6.S4> {7:4}okor
<f86r6.B1> {7:5}kechy.qolchedar,ar
<f86r6.B2> {7:6}otedy.chdaiin.oty=
<f86r6.S5> {7:7}okas.oedady
<f86r6.S6> {7:8}sarchcphdy
<f86r6.S7> {7:9}otchdy.otoldy
<f86r6.S8> {7:10}opoor,daly
<f86r6.S9> {7:11}ofchedaiin
<f86r6.S10> {7:12}adashgasain
<f86r6.S11> {7:13}cfair.o&213;ol(c&133;h)y
<f86r6.C8> {07:30}yke.okees.ol[ch|ee][e|i]di.otalo.?.otodar.\
<f86r6.S12> {8:2}okady
<f86r6.S13> {8:4}oraiin,eey
<f86r5> {$I=C $Q=N $P=H $L=B $H=3}
# Part of 6-page 9-circle 85v2 86r4 86r6 1 4 7
# composite. Page and circle 85v1 86r3 86r5 2 5 8
# numbers as indicated to the 3 6 9
# right.
# Petersen loci as {circle:locus} e.g. {1:9} inside circle 1.
# This is the lower right page with parts of circles 8 and 9.
<f86r5.S1> {8:1}ofary {followed by okady}
<f86r5.S2> {8:3}okchdy.kary {followed by oraiin,eey}
<f86r5.C9> {05:30}akchrar.okary.otodag.oda*.chekaiin.\
oees.???{long gap}.aiin.okees.oiir.odaiin.\
<f86r5.S3> {9:1}osaram
<f86r5.S4> {9:2}dar[ch|ee]dy
<f86r5.S5> {9:3}opodchd[a|*]l
# {9:4} larea*g moved to f85r3 6:12
# {9:5} okar moved to f85r3 6:11
<f86r5.S6> {9:6}o&214;alda
<f86r5.S7> {9:7}oparodam
<f86r5.B1> {I}dor
<f86r5.B2> oky
<f86r5.B3> roo=
<f86r5.B4> {II}otol
<f86r5.B5> ardas
<f86r5.B6> l,chdy=
<f86r5.B7> {III}oparod
<f86r5.B8> shckhdy
<f86r5.B9> tshda=
<f86r5.B10> {IV}opchd
<f86r5.B11> opeedy
<f86r5.B12> qokal=
<f86r5.B13> {V}shet[*|a]
<f86r5.B14> opeesy
<f86r5.B15> che[*|o]ky=
<f86r5.B16> {VI}otam.opchody.oteey
<f86r5.B17> opar.chpchey.oteedy.olaiin.osshy=
<f86r5.B18> {VII}tol.ofar.chefaiin.ol
<f86r5.B19> okchy.qokedy.qokedy
<f86r5.B20> tol.teoor.o,l,chekor=
<f86r5.B21> {VIII}okar.olche[t|k]y.daiin
<f86r5.B22> ok[*|ee]dy.qokcho.chfady.oro
<f86r5.B23> okeechy.okol.shee[o|y].tolf[ch|a]d
<f86r5.B24> saiir.shdaiin=